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Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping

January 6, 2025 - Street sweeping is suspended, effective immediately.   Parking will be permitted on streets that are posted for "No Parking" for the weekly sweeper run.   Street sweeping will not resume until further notice.   The City of Lebanon will provide an approximate one week notice prior to resuming street sweeping operations.

The City of Lebanon works very hard at keeping its streets as clean as possible.  The Department of Public Works utilizes two mechanical street sweepers that operate year-round, weather permitting.

While we make every attempt to get the sweeper into all of the neighborhoods of the City, we have some limitations which include narrow streets with many parked vehicles, equipment downtime and available staffing.

After completion of the schedule routes, drivers have been instructed to continue operation along as many unscheduled roadways as possible with the goal of attempting to sweep as many streets in the City as possible at least twice a month.

Click here to view the street sweeping routes