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Coleman Memorial Park

Coleman Memorial Park

Located at 1400 West Maple Street, this 99-acre park has multiple pavilions available to rent and a handicapped-accessible pool for adults and children. There are also tennis courts, baseball fields, a miniature golf course, a volleyball court, picnic areas, an amphitheater, hiking trails, a playground and a miniature golf course. In the summer, Music in the Park is available on Sundays.

Applications for 2025 rentals are being accepted. To rent a pavilion at Coleman Memorial Park, contact the Department of Administration at 717-639-2800 or email cityadmin@lebanonpa.org. The application and regulations may be completed and returned to the Department of Administration, City Hall, 2nd floor, 735 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, PA  17042.

Veterans Memorial Amphitheater in Coleman Memorial Park is a recently renovated green amphitheater that is available for rent. In addition, Music in the Park holds free community concerts on Sunday evenings during June, July and August starting at 7:00.  Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets to enjoy the stadium-style landscaping.

Coleman Memorial Park - Master Site Plan

The purpose of a master plan is to develop a comprehensive vision for a park system, individual park, open space area, recreation facility, and/or programs in context of its location, natural resources, and visions of the community. This vision will serve as a framework for the long-term use and development of a park or facility. 

The City of Lebanon completed a Master Site Plan for Coleman Memorial Park in 2011. Since that time, many improvements have been made to the park including the renovations to the amphitheater, the addition of a bike pump track, multiuse trails, a playground, ballfields, tennis courts, basketball courts, stormwater improvements and more. Since the original master site plan is over 10-years-old, the City and the Coleman Memorial Park Board of Trustees decided it was important to update the plan and hear what are the communities current recreation needs. 

In 2023, the City retained Simone Collins Landscape Architecture of Norristown, PA, that completed the master plan for Coleman Memorial Park in 2011, to host a public meeting for community input and update the 2011 plan.

Here you will find a copy of the 2023 Updates to the Master Site Plan at Coleman Memorial Park.